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Four reasons inflation will stay stubbornly high for some time

Price inflation is starting to fall in many countries but it still remains way above the typical 2% target of most major economies. In the UK, inflation has been above target since August 2021 and in double digits since August 2022.

In 2021, I was one of the economists who warned that high inflation might not be “transient”, as major central and various think tanks were claiming at the time when they said rapid price rises wouldn’t last long. I argued for action before high inflation became embedded in the economy and made the UK a poorer country.

Unfortunately, this has now happened. And while I believe inflation will start falling from current highs soon, it’s going to be tough to bring it back to the government’s 2% target.

Central banks often point to the war in Ukraine and spiking energy prices when explaining recent rapid price rises. But US and UK inflation was already at a four-decade high before the start of the war. The truth is that the global economy is now entering a period of permanently higher inflation fueled by four deeper forces.

Source: The Conversation

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