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China and Tanzania seal a Sh25 billion tourism deal

According to the Tanzanian news publication, The Citizen, the Sh25 billion project was signed by the NCAA Conservation Commissioner Richard Kiiza and the acting ambassador of China to Tanzania Chu Kun.

The project’s completion which is expected mid-way into 2025, also includes the construction of tourism infrastructure in Miamba (Geopark).

Joshua Mwankunda, Senior Assistant Commissioner for Conservation in charge of Cultural Heritage and Geology, disclosed that via this project, Tanzania would build a massive geology museum as well as restore the footprints of ancient humans that once inhabited the Laetoli region.

Additionally, tourist viewing platforms in Empakaai, Seneto, and Oldoinyo Lengai are in the works.

“There will be a dedicated facility for research and tourism, allowing visitors to explore the ancient footprints of Laetoli. Infrastructure will also be established to offer insightful interpretations of geological tourism resources at approximately 100 sites,” the commissioner said.


SOurce: Business Insider

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