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what we offer

We are supporting growth in the wider economy

Through our central collateral platform offering, we aim to support growth in the wider economy by contributing to efficient and effective capital markets that align with international standards. Using best-of-breed technology in a secure environment, we facilitate the traceable re-use and mobilization of assets as collateral, reducing the demand for cash.



what we do

End-to-End Collateral Approach

The automated, efficient, and optimized solution covers all aspects of collateralization to help support efficient asset management.

Through our effective, end-to-end solution for market participants, developed in partnership with Clearstream, part of the Deutsche Borsë Group, we offer:

  • Automated selection, allocation, and optimization of collateral across a range of contractual obligations
  • Unlimited collateral substitution in accordance with eligibility, sales, and corporate events
  • Collateral management by the perfection of pledge or outright title transfer
  • Re-use of securities, if permitted, with traceability of collateral within a secure environment
  • Daily evaluation and reconciliation of collateral across all contractual obligations
  • Real-time monitoring of collateral eligibility and sufficiency, for both givers and receivers
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Elena Bowman

CEO, Business Co

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International Accounting Standards IAS 32 and 39 define a financial instrument as “any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.”

A Provider for SBLC/BG would often be a collateral management firm, a hedge fund, a Financial Holding Company (FHC), a non-bank commercial company,  or private equity company.

Yes! Collateral Instrument deals with financial lending instruments that work to mitigate serious risks related to complex assets.


Financial success of any person or organization

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